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How to Use Ahrefs: Best Use Cases for Beginners

Here's how you can leverage Ahrefs to apply the best SEO strategies to grow traffic on your website.

September 13, 2022
min read

Ahrefs offers a variety of tools and capabilities that can support your SEO and marketing initiatives. You'll learn about strategies like search engine optimization when you start to create your digital marketing strategy (SEO). One of the best ways to help your company get more high-quality leads is through SEO, but it can be challenging to handle if you're unfamiliar with it. Ahrefs is an SEO tool that helps manage and optimize your company's SEO campaign.

The fundamentals of SEO and five Ahrefs features you may use to enhance your SEO campaign are covered on this page. Keep reading!

What is Ahrefs?

Although Ahrefs is primarily recognized as a backlink authority checker, it offers much more. This tool for digital marketing offers insightful data on backlinks and SEO. In addition, it provides SEO capabilities, including keyword tools and ranking monitoring.

You'll receive a dashboard when you utilize Ahrefs, making it easier to track all your data.

For example, you only need to add a URL to monitor your domain's health. This dashboard lets you view mistakes, new links, URL rankings, and referring sites.

For your business, Ahrefs offers 4 distinct types of plans. Your plan type and whether you select monthly or annual billing will affect the cost.

If you're not sure if Ahrefs is a perfect choice, you can test it out for seven days on their Lite and Standard plans by paying $7.

1) Check the search volume of your rivals

Every business owner is interested in how their rivals are faring.

  • Do they have more visitors than I do?
  • Is their traffic increasing, or has it reached a halt?
  • Will I surpass them at my current growth pace, or do I need to put in more effort?

By displaying the amount of search traffic that your rivals receive and allowing you to compare your search traffic to theirs, Ahrefs' Site Explorer may help you find the answers to these questions.

Few essential things to remember while using this feature are:

  • Ahrefs solely tracks a website's search traffic. Direct traffic, referral traffic, traffic from social networks, etc., are not considered.
  • Ahrefs traffic statistics are approximations. These predictions frequently differ significantly from the figures you see in your Google Search Console. But that difference should be the same across all websites in a particular area.

2) Content Explorer

Content is essential for attracting leads to your website and raising its SEO rating. You can examine topics to determine their popularity using the Content Explorer tool. In addition, you can use it to try to make your content marketing campaign better.

The Content Explorer will produce a list of the most popular articles from a database of more than 2 billion articles when you conduct a topical search. Their popularity is determined based on SEO factors like social shares, organic traffic, and the number of sites linking to the article.

You may also search for particular categories of material. With the help of the filters in Content Explorer, you may sort through various sorts of content to get what you need.

3) Learn about what people are searching on Google

Studying the most common queries in your business is one of the secrets to increasing your Google traffic. This will guarantee you'll write about topics many people are looking for. Doing keyword research is what we refer to in SEO.

The Ahrefs Keywords Explorer helps you find thousands of relevant keywords that you might wish to target and allows you to determine the popularity of any search query.

For instance, in the United States alone, there are 6.5 million Google searches per month for the term "bitcoin." Additionally, 25 million searches are made each month on it globally.

4) Calculate a topic's potential search volume

We frequently use a keyword's monthly search volume as a proxy for the potential amount of search traffic they may generate. However, the number of searches for a specific keyword alone can be deceptive. This is because websites never rank for a single term.

According to our research, a page that ranks #1 for some keywords will also score highly for around a thousand other related keywords and will receive traffic from them.

It's a good idea to regularly check the top-ranking pages to see how much total search traffic they receive from all possible iterations of that search term.

We have a helpful indicator for that in Ahrefs' Keywords Explorer, called Traffic Potential. This measure displays the overall volume of traffic that the top-ranking page for your target keyword receives, which is frequently a much more valuable and actionable figure than the term's search volume.

5) Site Audit

There is always a potential that issues or mistakes will develop when running your SEO strategy. However, you don't need to constantly monitor your site to make sure it's functioning correctly, thanks to the Ahrefs Site Audit tool. Instead, this program will examine your website and search for typical SEO issues.

Having this tool will allow you to worry less about your SEO campaign. You'll be alerted when issues occur so you can address them immediately. Additionally, Site Audit will produce reports assessing your site's condition.

Final Word

You might be debating between hiring an SEO agency or signing up for a service like Ahrefs while you learn more about SEO. These are both excellent choices for your company.

Ahrefs can be helpful if you want to manage your SEO campaign. You'll have the equipment you need to keep an eye on and improve your campaign. It is appropriate if you have an SEO Agency of knowledgeable marketers or one eager to learn.

On the other hand, relying on the best SEO company in India might be advisable if your team is overburdened with other tasks or lacks time to study SEO.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

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Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.

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